Stigmatized and Misunderstood OCD

OCD is a misunderstood mental illness, especially in how it is often comedically portrayed in movies and media. OCD is not simply a preference for organization and tidiness or as simple as rearranging an askew book on a desk. Instead, OCD can be a debilitating illness that can disrupt meaningful aspects of life and derail friendships, relationships, school, and work, to name just a few important domains. OCD is a broad disorder that manifests in a variety of subtypes that are often misunderstood by friends, family, and often treatment providers which have the harmful impact of prolonging suffering and adding to the stigma and fear of speaking about the intrusive thoughts and images that one might be experiencing. This is why it is so important to connect with trained OCD specialists who are knowledgeable in the various presentations of OCD and skilled in treating OCD to help people regain their lives.


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